Lauds – The East and the West Confraternities
Religious fraternities composed of laymen existed in both the Muslim and the Catholic traditions.
These corporate bodies support local religious activities, carry out charitable work and play an important role in the city. They also sing: the confraternities have always used music not only as a means of approaching the sacred, but also as a propaganda vehicle for their ideas.
Thanks to their similarities, the repertoires of the Catholic and Muslim confraternities enable us to create a dialogue between those two great faiths. The still very active tradition of confraternities in the Muslim world inspired us in our interpretation of sixteenth-century Italian Lauds. Such encounters and exchanges can only bring enrichment.
Taghi Akhbari, persian singer
Nader Aghakhani, târ
Véronique Bourin, soprano
Clara Coutouly, soprano
Paulin Bündgen, alto
Hugues Primard, tenor
Olivier Coiffet, tenor
Philippe Roche, bass
Johanne Maître, dulcinas, recorders
Elsa Frank, dulcinas, recorders
Jérémie Papasergio, dulcinas, recorders
Denis Raisin Dadre, dulcinas, recorders and direction
Bruno Caillat, zarb, daf, tambourine
Jérôme Allart, lighting design
Création en résidence à l’abbaye de Fontevraud (49) – Centre culturel de l’Ouest