What do pandas dream about ?
An ecological fable between music and puppet, East and West, yesterday and today.
In cooperation with the Hunan Puppet and Shadow Art Protection and inheritance Center, Doulce Mémoire present a Franco-Chinese show blending the two traditional arts of Chinese shadow theatre and western Renaissance music. The show tells the initiatiory journey of Petit Panda through its encounters with a monkey, a crocodile, a phoenix…
Little Panda comes into the world in a luxuriant nature but very soon the difficulties begin. The hospitable forest is shrouded in heavy, heavy fog. This musical tale reflects on ecological and environmental issues facing nations.
Denis Raisin Dadre, artistic direction
Peng Zeke, director of the Shadow theater
Vanasay Khamphommala, staging
Juliette Besançon, lighting design
DOULCE MEMOIRE : Clara Coutouly (soprano), Miguel Henry (lute, renaissance guitar), Denis Raisin Dadre (shawms, recorders), Bruno Caillat (percussions)
HUNAN CHINESE SHADOW THEATER (CHINE) : Jianghong Man, Shunhua Xiao, Ke Xiao, Fan Zhang, Jie Zou, Peng Zeke (puppeteers)
Coproduction Région Centre-Val de Loire, Festival Croisements en Chine, Théâtre Olympia, centre dramatique national de Tours et l’Hectare – scène conventionnée de Vendôme.