Léonard de Vinci – “L’Harmonie du Monde”

ffff de Télérama
5 de Diapason
5 de Classica
Anne Azéma, mezzo soprano
Anne Quentin, soprano
Pascale Boquet, viola da mano, renaissance guitar
Angélique Mauillon, harp
Sylvia Abramowicz, Lucas Peres, Martin Bauer, viols
Frédéric Martin, lira da braccio
Elsa Frank, Francis Mercet, Jérémie Papasergio, Denis Raisin Dadre, shawms, recorders
Bruno Caillat, percussions
In the Press
Diapason, june 2003, Philippe Vendrix
“It’s high time the image of Leonardo da Vinci as a melancholy savant was revised: the painter really knew how to throw a party. This festive music makes you want to get up and dance, and Doulce Mémoire brings to life its marvellous effects with undeniable talent and graceful elegance. The disc features rich-sounding flutes, gossamer webs woven by the plucked string instruments, constant flexible phrasing and well-chosen tempi.”
Télérama, 28 may 2003, Gilles Macassar
“The singers and instrumentalists of Doulce Mémoire knowledgeably and patiently create a musical panorama. (…) Thanks to Doulce Mémoire, the listener gains insight into da Vinci through a bouquet of Roman madrigals, Milanese dances and melancholy French songs.”