
Sélection du Monde de l’année 2009
Diapason d’Or
4 * de Classica
Taghi Akhbari, persian singer
Nader Aghakhani, târ
Véronique Bourin, Clara Coutouly, sopranos
Paulin Bündgen, alto
Hugues Primard, Olivier Coiffet, tenors
Philippe Roche, bass
Johanne Maître, Elsa Frank, Denis Raisin Dadre, Jérémie Papasergio,
dulcinas, recorders, crumhorns
Bruno Caillat, zarb, daf, tambourines, tambour
In the Press
Sélection du Monde de l’année 2009, 20 december 2009, Marie-Aude Roux
“The excellent Denis Raisin Dadre and Doulce Mémoire, his ensemble, proffer a recording of nomadic love bridging East and West and ranging from Christian Laudes to Sufi chants.”
Diapason n°5724, september 2009, David Fiala
“This disc stands out not only for its choice of works, their order, and the rhythm with which they unfold, but also for its performers. Taghi Akhbari’s vocal embellishments are staggeringly eloquent and virtuosic, and the instrumentalists and vocalists of Doulce Mémoire are superbly precise and. A wonderful success, full of discoveries.”