Henri IV & Marie de Medicis – Messe de mariage

Diapason d’Or
Recommandé par Classica
9 de Répertoire
Orphée d’or du meilleur enregistrement de musique sacrée (prix Hector Berlioz 2000)
Julie Hassler, Véronique Bourin, sopranos
Marc Pontus, alto
Serge Goubioud, Lucien Kandel, tenors
Thierry Péteau, Emmanuel Vistorky, baritones
Philippe Roche, bass
Elsa Frank, Jérémie Papasergio, Denis Raisin Dadre, shawms, dulcinas, recorders
Jean-Paul Boury, cornett, recoders
William Dongois, cornett
Pascale Boquet, theorbo
Franck Poitrineau, sackebut
Sylvia Abramowicz, Yuka Saito, Françoise Enock, viols
Dominique Ferran, organ
Bruno Caillat, percussions
In the Press
Répertoire, february 2001, André Guy
“Doulce Mémoire is truly the right name for this group. Its remarkable musicological sleuthing, combined with the reliably contextual reconstitutions to which it is committed, account for “mémoire”. And “doulce” has never characterised their performances so well. The album overflows with full, round, warm, colourful, juicy and flexible sounds.”
Classica, november 2000, Stéphan Perreau
“Denis Raisin Dadre, incontestably the best performer of this repertoire, has once again made a benchmark recording. He easily moves between the two styles of the period, giving the listener a lesson in optimism and joy.”