Baldassar Castiglione – Il libro del Cortegiano

Diapason d’Or
Choc du Monde de la Musique
4 f de Télérama
Grand prix du Disque
Marie-Claude Vallin, soprano
Marc Pontus, alto
Lucien Kandel, tenor
Pascale Boquet, lute, renaissance guitar
Frédéric Martin, lira da braccio
Sylvia Abramowicz, Uka Saito, Sylvie Moquet, viols
Elsa Frank, Jérémie Papasergio, Denis Raisin Dadre, shawms, recorders
Claire Michon, recorders
Jean-Paul Boury, cornett
Franck Poitrineau, trompette harmonique
Bruno Caillat, percussions
In the Press
Le Monde, july 1997, Marc Desmet
“…the result is these songs accompanied by a lyre, this polyphony, this melancholy and translucent counterpoint presented by Denis Raisin Dadre as a visit to Duke of Urbino’s palace.”
Télérama, 14 may 1997, Xavier Lacavalerie
“The ensemble Doulce Mémoire lives up to its name as it embarks on a journey into a little-known past. The group’s unprecedented and varied artistry leads the listener from boisterous songs to gallant, dreamy romances, from solemn fanfares to nostalgic melodies…the result is so fresh and exotic that one can hardly believe that these pieces are simply part of our musical heritage…”